Curriculum vitae
University education and qualifications:
1998 Mgr. (equiv. M.A.)
Faculty of Education, University of Hradec Kralove, the Czech Republic,
Fields of study: History, Geography, and Philosophy and Social Sciences
2001 Mgr. (equiv. M.Sc.)
Faculty of Social Sciences, Masaryk University in Brno, the Czech Republic,
Field of study: Environmental Studies
2010 Ph.D.
Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava, the Czech Republic,
Field of study: Environmental Geography
(Dissertation thesis-Environmentally-induced Migration in the World)
2010 certificate in Climate Change and Its Impact
Brown International Advanced Research Institute, Brown University, Providence, USA
2023 Doc.
associate professor in Economy and Management
Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University, the Czech Republic
Work Experiences:
1999 volunteer as humanitarian aid convoy leader and social worker with children of asylum seekers in war conflict region (People In Need Foundation)
1999 – 2002 teacher at secondary (high) schools
2003 – 2004 Charles University in Prague, Centre for Social and Economic Strategies, Faculty of Social Sciences, the Czech Republic (visiting research fellow)
2003 – 2008 Palacký University in Olomouc, Department of Geography and Development Studies, Faculty of Science, the Czech Republic (assistent, research fellow)
2008 – 2010 Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies the Czech Republic (assistant professor)
2010 - 2014 The Czech Academy of Sciences, Department of Adaptation Strategies Research, Institute of Systems Biology and Ecology - Global Change Research Centre (postdoc; head of department)
2014 - 2017 Charles University in Prague, Department of Social Geography & Regional Development, Faculty of Science (assistant professor)
since 2016 Mendel University in Brno, Spatial Hub, Department of Informatics, Faculty of Business and Economics, the Czech Republic (assistant professor, asociated professor)
2017 the World Bank, Washington, D.C., USA – south-south climate migration (consultant)
2017 - 2018 European University Institute, Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence, Italy (Jean Monnet Fellow)
2019-2020 The German Institute for Development Evaluation (Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, DEval), Bonn, Germany – climate mobility (consultant, research team leader)
2020 - University of Padova, Mobility & Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies, Department of Historical and Geographical Sciences and the Ancient World (DiSSGeA), Padova, Italy (Visiting Professor on "Mobility & Humanities")
Other Experiences:
research team leader
field research in developing countries and states in transition
research and publication collaboration in international level
project manager and designer
Evaluation of grant projects
- national: FRVŠ, GAČR, TAČR, MŠMT research projects, Operational Programmes
- international: Canadian Centre for International Development Research (Accelerating Climate Action: Social Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls).
Framework Programme 7, COST Action
Horizon 2020 Governance for the Future
Horizon Europe - Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027)
ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education, Partnerships for Innovation - Alliance -
lecturing and training, management of seminars and courses
language competencies – Czech (natural), English (advanced), Russian (good), Spanish (basic), German (basic)
Editorial board
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management (since 2021)
Population and Environment (since 2019)
Migration and Development (2015-2018)
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies (2011-2012)
Review for scholar journals
Population Space and Place, Island Studies, Global Networks, Human Ecology, Renewable Energy, Environmental Research Letters, Climate Risk Management, Global Environmental Change, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Hazards, One Earth, Environment, Development and Sustainability, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, The Geographical Journal, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS), The World Economy, Geoforum, The Social Science Journal, Development Southern Africa, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, International Review of Applied Economics, Island Studies Journal, Scientific Reports, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, Disasters, Population and Environment, International Journal of Global Warming, Asian Studies Review, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Review for reports of Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change.
The Population-Environment Research Network (PERN)
Czech Society for Ornithology
International conference organizing:
"Human Migration and the Environment: Futures, Politics, Invention" (June-July 2015, University of Durham, member of boader organization committee)
"New Directions in Climate Governance Innovation" (June 2015, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, chair of organization committee)
„Global Change and Resilience“ (May 2013, Czech Academy of Sciences, chair of organization committee)
„Migration and Development“ (September 2007, University of Ostrava, chair of organization committee)
Research and Teaching Interests and Activities:
- social and economic impacts of climate change and adaptation strategies;
- environmental (climate) change and population dynamics;
- migration and development;
- effectiveness of development interventions and financial flows (development aid, remittances);
- environmental security and development;
- global, environmental and development education.
August- September 1999
KOSOVO - volunteer in post-conflict area - the convoy-leader of trucks with humanitarian aid and social worker in the asylum shelter for refugees)
October/November 2004
CHINA - research tour oriented on environmental and social impacts of economic growth in Western China – Three Georges Dam area, Beijing
February/March 2007
KENYA, TANZANIA – field research oriented on environmental security, migration at North and West Kenya, and development capacity and benefits of Fair Trade production in North Tanzania (regions Kagera, Kilimanjaro)
June 2007
BELARUS, UKRAINE – field research dealing with social and economic situations of displaced and resettled population due to disaster at Chernobyl - comparison of the conditions before catastrophe and after relocation
March 2008
BANGLADESH, INDIA – field research oriented on causes and consequences of human migration from Bangladesh to India (Assam), and social-economic aspects of environmental (climate) change in the region
March 2009
NEPAL – research oriented on migration processes in Nepal and South Asia, and their social and economic consequences
December 2009
UKRAINE – research oriented on local development and social impacts of emigration to the Czech Republic
August 2013, March-April 2017
MALDIVES – research focusing on climate change impacts on local population, sea level rise, mitigation and adaptation challenges and migration patterns.
September 2016
TURKEY – research focused on drought impacts in Syria on immigration to Turkey and Europe, social and economic livelihoods conditions before and during conflict in Syria
October 2018
BANGLADESH - Research on environmental determinants of migration of Bangladeshis, their resilience and household adaptation strategies (Khulna Division, Delta)
March 2019
CANADA - research on the Canadian "Express Entry" immigration system and how it compares to the Czech immigration system
UAE - Dubai research on artificial island construction and high- and low-skilled migration
June 2000
Scholarship given by non-governmental organization Trialog for participation at Summer School: „The Role of Development Education in Process of Creating of Civil Society“ in Puchberg.
November 2003
Scholarship of US organization Global Salzburg Seminar for international session „Environmental Policy and Public Dialogue“, Salzburg.
January/February 2004
The Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) study tour - Development Studies programmes at Canadian universities (Saint Mary´s University, Laval University, McGill University, Carleton University, York University, University of Toronto) and The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
October 2004
Scholarship given by UN Environment Programme for participation at the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Concerns: Innovative Technologies and Management Options in Xiamen. Event was co-organized by State Environmental Protection Administration of China.
July/August 2008
Institute for Environment and Human Security, UN University in Bonn, and Munich Re Foundation – scholarship given for participation at 2008 Summer Academy on "Environmental change, migration, & social vulnerability" in Hohenkammer (Munchen).
March 2009
Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation & Poverty, University of Sussex - scholarship given for participation at Third Residential Training Workshop on Migration, Globalisation, Security and Development, Kathmandu.
June 2010
Brown International Advanced Research Institute, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island – internship for Climate Change and its Impacts: Resilience & Adaptation to Changes in Precipitation
September 2010
Vienna University of Economics and Business – scholarship given for participation on EASY-ECO Training Course for Young Researchers on Evaluation of Sustainability.
May 2012
University of Colorado at Boulder – scholarship given for participation on CUPC_NCAR Migration, Urbanization and Climate Change Workshop.
June 2017Department of Global Development and Planning, University of Agder, Norway – visiting researcher - focus on climate change impacts and migration
September 2017 – August 2018
Jean Monnet Postdoctoral Fellowship, Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
August 2000, 2001
"Development Education." Lectures in Summer School of Development Assistance and Cooperation organized by Center of Interdisciplinary Studies, Palacky University, Olomouc, the Czech Republic.
April 2001
"Wars, Conflicts and Human Rights in sub-Saharan Africa.". Lecture for Amnesty International, Brno, the Czech Republic.
November 2002
"The Environmental Problems of Africa in Relation to Breaking of Human Rights." Lecture for Amnesty International, Brno, the Czech Republic.
September 2004
"Environmental Migration - Determining Factors." Lecture in Third Central European Countries' Summer School of Development Assistance and Co-operation organized by Palacky University, Olomouc, the Czech Republic.
October 2004
"Environmental Migration - Summary Analysis of The Process." Keynote speech in section in Secondnd International Conference on Environmental Concerns: Innovative Technologies and Management Options organized by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and State Environmental Protection Administration of China, Xiamen, China.
August 2005
"Environmental Migration – do we expect March of Poor South to Rich North?" Lecture at Summer School „The Phenomenon of Migration in Contemporary Europe“, West-Bohemian University, Pilsen, the Czech Republic.
October 2005
„Finance Claims of Czech Republic towards Developing Countries“ Lecture in international seminar “Odious International Debts“ organized by Ecumenical Academy Prague, the Czech Republic.
October 2005
„Chinese Environmental Scrape“ Lecture within the frame of Socrates Erasmus programme, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, Romania.
October 2006
„Poverty, Development and Development Assistance – Introduction” Lecture at University of Economics in Bratislava, the Slovak Republic.
March 2007
„Development Capacity and Human Security in Environmental Change Affected Areas”. Lecture in international conference „The Nineteenth Climate Outlook Forum for the Greater Horn of Africa (GHACOF19)”, co-organized by IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre, Nairobi, Kenya.
October 2007
„Millennium Development Goals – Commitments and Reality“. Lecture within the frame of parliamentary debate “Does Czech Republic sufficiently contribute to the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals and impacts of climate change relief?“, Prague, Parliament of the Czech Republic.
November 2007
"Environmntal Migration - Mass Invasion to the “North”? - Lecture at Faculty of Filology, Geography and History, University of Basque County, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
March 2008
„Sub-Saharan Africa on Knees. Why Development Assistance Fails and the Remittance are No Match?“ Lecture at Faculty of Arts, University of Hradec Králové, the Czech Republic.
July 2008
„Conceptualization of Environmentally-induced Migration“, lecture within the frame of 2008 Summer Academy on Social Vulnerability “Environmental change, migration, & social vulnerability”, Hohenkammer (available at
August 2009
„Migration and Climate Change“, lecture at 1st Summer School of Migration Studies, International Organization for Migration, Jindřichův hradec, August 20, 2009.
November 2009
„Development Consequences of Remittances“ Lecture at University of Economics, Prague, November 24, 2009.
December 2009
„Environmentally-induced Migration – A Reason for Mass Invasion to the “North”?“ Lecture at Center for Migration and Refugee Studies, The American University in Cairo, December 10, 2009.
June 2010
„Environmentally-induced Migration" – Scholarship lecture at Brown International Advanced Research Institute, Brown University, Providence, USA within the programme of seminar Climate Change and Its Impact: Resilience & Adaptation to Changes in Precipitation, June 23, 2010.
August 2011
„Migration & Development – Introduction“, lecture at 3rd Summer School of Migration Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague and International Organization for Migration, Prague, August 22, 2011.
August 2011
„Migration and Climate Change“, lecture at 3rd Summer School of Migration Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Charles University in Prague and International Organization for Migration,, Prague, August 25, 2011.
March 2012
„Climate Change and Migration as Adaptation?“, lecture at Masaryk University in Brno, March, 2012.
April 2012
„Climate Change and Migration as Adaptation?“, lecture at Mendel University in Brno, April, 2012.
September 2012
„Environmentally-induced Migration – Four Case Studies - Three Continents“, lecture at 4th Summer School of Migration Studies, University of South Bohemia and International Organization for Migration, České Budějovice, September 4, 2012.
November 2012
„Climate Change and Migration as Adaptation?“, lecture at Climate Change Impacts on Population and Development Aid Projects, Bratislava, Slovakia, November 8, 2012.
August 2013
„Environment, Climate and Migration“, lecture for students of Environmental Management at Faculty of Education, Maldives National University, Male, Maldives, August 19, 2013.
November 2013
„Definition and typology of environmental migrants: World Reality and state of the art“, lecture at conference “New Challenges of International Law.: Incorrect Refugees”. Faculty in Law, Charles University in Prague, November 30, 2013.
December 2013
„Household Adaptation Strategies to Climate Extremes and Population Consequences in Rural Areas in the Czech Republic“, lecture for Basque Climate Change Centre, and Faculty of Economics, University of the Basque, Bilbao, Spain, December 10, 2013.
December 2013
„Environmental Change and Migration. Challenges from Social Sciences to History.“ Lecture within the frame of I. Serie de Seminarios de Investigación, “Migraciones en el mundo contemporáneo”, University of Basque Country, Vitoria, Spain, December 12, 2013.
January 2014
„Climate Extremes Impacts and Population in South Asia: The Local Experts' Knowledge and Perception“, lecture for Institute for Global Health, University College London, London, January 8, 2014.
March 2014
“Household Adaptation Strategies to Climate Extremes and Commuting Patterns of Households Exposed to Flood Risk from the Bečva River Basin, the Czech Republic”, lecture within workshop “Empirical evidence and policy responses regarding climate change and migration – What role for migration in local adaptation?”, organized by Institute for Environment and Human Security, United Nations University, Bonn, 13-14 March 2014
May 2014
“Climate Extremes Impacts and Population Movement in the Maldives”, přednáška na workshopu “Understanding and modelling the migration decision making process under a changing climate”, organized by University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, 15 May 2014.
May 2014
„Migration as a Risk Management Strategy vis-à-vis Environmental Change: Economic Impacts“, speech for World Bank and Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) at Symposium on Environmental Change & Migration, Washington, D.C., May 28-29, 2014.
August 2014
„Climate Change and Migration as Adaptation?“, lecture at 6th Summer School of Migration Studies, University of South Bohemia and International Organization for Migration, České Budějovice, August 21, 2014.
October 2014
“Sea-level Rise Impacts and Human Mobility: Will Maldivians Move to Detroit?”, speech within workshop “Environmental changes and human mobility: what role for migration governance?” organized by World Trade Institute (WTI), University of Bern, 24 October 2014.
November 2014
“Local Expert Perceptions Of Environment And Population Dynamics In Bangladesh: Different Perspectives from Non-Governmental, Public and Academic Sectors?” lecture at workshop Organizational Perspectives on Environmental Migration, organized by University Bochum a Academia Belgica, Roma, 7-8 November 2014.
May 2015
“Main challenges for risk management and planning in areas affected by climate extremes impacts and population movement” within 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 26 May 2015, University of Adger, Kristiansand, Norsko
May 2015
“Climate Extremes Impacts and Population Dynamics”, lecture on seminar organized by Department of Global Development and Planning, University in Adger, Norsko, 27 May 2015.
June 2015
“Climate Extremes Impacts and Population Movement in The Maldives”, presentation on conference “Human Migration and the Environment: Futures, Politics, Invention" at University of Durham, 30 June 2015
September 2015
“Climate Extreme Impacts and Population Movement in Maldives. What is Role of Climate Justice and Responsibility?”, presentation for workshop “Climate Justice in Environmental Migration" organized by University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 17 2015.
September 2015
“Climate extremes impacts and population immobility: Why people don't move from affected regions?”, presentation for workshop “Combining quantitative and qualitative methods for a better understanding of the climate change-migration nexus" organized by University of Liège, University of Neuchâtel, and Joint Research Center - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Seville, Spain, September 29, 2015.
October 2015
“Current migration flow to Europe from the perspective of Migration and Development”, speaker at seminar “Migration and Development" organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and International Organization for Migration, Prague, October 22, 2015.
June 2016
“Statistics on rejected asylum seekers in the EU member countries”, presentation on seminar “No Asylum and then … The Position of Rejected Asylum Seekers in EU member states“ organized by KU Leuven, Belgium, 21 June 2016.
August 2016
„Climate Change and Migration as Adaptation?“, lecture at Summer School of Migration Studies organized by International Organization for Migration and Charles University, Prague, August 25, 2016.
June 2017
"Climate Change Impacts on Populaton Dynamics” presentation for members of Department of Global Development and Planning, University of Agder, Norway, 14 June 2017.
August 2017
„Environmental Factors and Current Migration to Europe“, lecture at Summer School of Migration Studies organized by International Organization for Migration and Charles University, Prague, August 28, 2017.
November 2017
"Climate Change and Migration as Adaptation in Low-lying Islands: The Evidence from Maldives", speech at the International Symposium on Ocean Governance for Sustainability held in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 14 November 2017.
December 2017
"What is the role of environmental factors in current Immigration to Europe?", presentation at the 2nd International workshop on Modelling of Physical, Economic and Social Systems for Resilience Assessment organised by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, 15 December 2017.
February 2018
"Climate Change Impacts on Small Islands and Migration Patterns", keynote speech at the International Workshop on "Climate Change Impacts on Small Islands and Migration Patterns" organised in Ravenna, University of Bologna, School of Sciences, 8 February 2018.
February 2018
"What is the role of environmental factors in current immigration flows to Europe?", keynote speech at the Migration Working Group - Asylum Governance workshop organised by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, 27 February 2018.
August 2018
"Climate Change Impacts and Migration", lecture at the Summer School of Migration Studies, organized by the International Organization for Migration and Charles University, Prague, 28 August 2018.
October 2018
"Climate Change Impacts and Migration" a presentation at the SUSCO Budapest 2018 Annual Conference, organized by Antall József Knowledge Centre, Budapest, 11 October 2018.
October 2018
"Climate Change, Resilience and Population Dynamics in South Asia: Why Some People Move and Others Stay?", paper presented at the 3rd Centre for Sustainable Development Annual Conference, organized by the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka, 20 October 2018.
November 2018
"Climate Change, Resilience and Population Dynamics in South Asia", lecture at the Surrounded by water - Bangladesh then and now workshop organized by Palacký University, Olomouc, 12 November 2018.
June 2019
"Climate change and migration in low-lying islands - policies and practices: the evidence from Maldives", lecture in the framework of the conference Environmental Non-Migration: Frameworks, Methods and Cases organised by Technische Universität Dresden, 20 June 2019.
August 2019
"Environmental Change and Migration", lecture at the Summer School of Migration Studies, organized by the International Organization for Migration and Charles University, Prague, 27 August 2019.
May 2020
"Climate Change and Migration. Why some people move and others don't?", lecture as part of the Mobility and the Humanities' People's Node Leaving and Living seminar series. Macro and Micro Perspectives on Human Migration organised at the University of Padua, 21 May 2020.
August 2020
'Climate Change and Migration', lecture at the Summer School of Migration Studies, organized by the International Organization for Migration and Charles University, Prague, 28 August 2020.
August 2020
"Impacts of Climate Change on Migration", lecture and panel discussion We Mind, organized by IOM and Charity of the Czech Republic, 29 August 2020.
November 2020
"Canadian Express Entry System and Czech Smart Migration Project", lecture in the framework of a webinar organized by the Canadian Embassy in Prague, 25 November 2020.
December 2020
"Cyclones and Migration: In Mediterranean?" COST19109 MEDCYCLONES online meeting, organized by the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C), The Cyprus Institute, 15 December 2020.
November 2021
"Legal Perspectives on Current Trends in International Migration", conference "World Turning Dangerous" organized by Charles University and the Common Law Society, 30 November 2021-
April 2022
"Existential Threats to Maldives and Bangladesh, and Climate Mobility", lecture in the course "Climate Mobility" for students at Columbia University, New York, April 19, 2022.
October 2022
"Existential Threats to Low-lying Islands and Coastal Areas in South Asia (Case studies of Maldives and Bangladesh)", lecture for students and staff of The Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Lamont Campus, Columbia University, New York, 5 October 2022
April 2023
"Sea level rise as existential threats to Maldives and climate mobility", lecture in the course "Climate Mobility" for students at Columbia University, New York, April 13, 2023
October 2023
"Climate Migration: a Real Threat or a New Opportunity?", lecture in the framework of the conference ECO-EDUCATION FAIRLY FOR ALL, organized by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and Lipka, Brno, 19 October 2023
November 2024
"Ukrainian Refugees and the Recent Czech Migration Governance", lecture at the workshop “Ukrainian Exiles in Europe: A Turning Point in Migration Governance and for Welcoming Actors?”, organized by the Sciences Po, Paris, November 15th, 2024