Papers in peer-reviewed journals
Stojanov, R.; Seidlová, A.; Bureš, O.; Klvaňová, R.; Štěpánková, L.; Procházka, D. (2024): Synergy or Disparity? Czech Experts' Insights on Migration and Development Policies. International Migration, 62(6): 124-139.
Leal Filho, W.; Stojanov, R.; Matsoukas, C.; Ingrosso, R.; Franke, J.A.; Pausata, F.S.R.; Grassi, T.; Landa, J.; Harrouni, C. (2024) An Assessment of Climate Change Impacts to Oases in Northern Africa. Ecological Indicators, 166, 112287;
Rosengaertner, S.; De Sherbinin, A.; Stojanov, R. (2023): Supporting the Agency of Cities as Climate Migration Destinations. International Migration, 61(5): 98-115.
Bureš, O.; Stojanov, R. (2023): Securitization of Immigration in the Czech Republic and Its Impact on the Czech Migration Policy: Experts’ Perceptions. Problems of Post-Communism, 70(6): 679-689.
Stojanov, R.; Klvaňová, R.; Seidlová, A.; Bureš, O. (2022): Contemporary Czech Migration Policy: 'Labour, Not People'?. Population Space and Place, 28(4): e2533,
Stojanov, R. (2022): Climate Migration. International Affairs Forum, March 2022. (requested paper)
Gissi, E.; Frank Maes, Zacharoula Kyriazi, Ana Ruiz-Frau, Catarina Frazão Santos, Barbara Neumann, Adriano Quintela, Fátima L. Alves, Simone Borg, Wenting Chen, Maria da Luz Fernandes, Maria Hadjimichael, Elisabetta Manea, Márcia Marques, Froukje Maria Platjouw, Michelle E. Portman, Lisa P. Sousa, Luca Bolognini, Wesley Flannery, Fabio Grati, Cristina Pita, Natașa Văidianu, Robert Stojanov, Jan van Tatenhove, Fiorenza Micheli, Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Sebastian Unger (2022): Contributions of marine area-based management tools to the UN sustainable development goals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 330, 129910.
Leal Filho, W.; Stojanov, R.; Wolf, F.; Matandirotya, N.R.; Ploberger, C.; Ayal, D.Y.; Azam, F.M.S.; AL-Ahdal, T.M.A.; Sarku, R.; Tchouaffe Tchiadje, N.F.; Manolas, E.; Li, C. (2022): Assessing Uncertainties in Climate Change Adaptation and Land Management. Land, 11(12), 2226;
Gissi, E.; Frank Maes, Zacharoula Kyriazi, Ana Ruiz-Frau, Catarina Frazão Santos, Barbara Neumann, Adriano Quintela, Fátima L. Alves, Simone Borg, Wenting Chen, Maria da Luz Fernandes, Maria Hadjimichael, Elisabetta Manea, Márcia Marques, Froukje Maria Platjouw, Michelle E. Portman, Lisa P. Sousa, Luca Bolognini, Wesley Flannery, Fabio Grati, Cristina Pita, Natașa Văidianu, Robert Stojanov, Jan van Tatenhove, Fiorenza Micheli, Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Sebastian Unger (2022): Data about marine area-based management tools to assess their contribution to the UN sustainable development goals, Data in Brief, 40, 107704.
STOJANOV, R.; ROSENGAERTNER, S.; DE SHERBININ, A.; NAWROTZKI, R. (2021): Climate Mobility and Development Cooperation. Population and Environment, 43, 209–231,

BUREŠ, O.; KLVAŇOVÁ, R.; STOJANOV, R. (2020): Strengths and Challenges of Canadian Express Entry System: Experts’ Perceptions. Population and Development Review, 46(4): 787-812

KELMAN, I.; ORLOWSKA, J.; UPADHYAY, U.; STOJANOV, R.; WEBERSIK, C.; SIMONELLI, A. C.; PROCHÁZKA, D.; NĚMEC, D.: (2019): Does Climate Change Influence People’s Migration Decisions in Maldives? Climatic Change. 153(1–2): 285–299.
STOJANOV, R.; NĚMEC, D.;ŽÍDEK, L. (2019): Evaluation of the Long-Term Stability and Impact of Remittances and Development Aid on Sustainable Economic Growth in Developing Countries. Sustainability, 11(6), 1538.
TILLER, R.; ARENAS, F.; GALDIES, C.; LEITAO, F.; MALEJ, A.; MARTINEZ ROMERA, B.; SOLIDORO, C.; STOJANOV, R.; TURK, V.; GUERRA, R. (2019): Who cares about ocean acidification in the Plasticene? Ocean and Coastal Management, 174: (170-180). DOI:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.03.020
STANCIOFF, C. E.; STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; NEMEC, D.; LANDA, J.; TICHY, R.; PROCHAZKA, D.; BROWN, G.; HOFMAN, C. (2018): Climate change impacts on local populations in the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean: A synthesis of perceptions of St. Kitts and Malé. Atmosphere, 9(12): 459.
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B.; KELMAN, I.; NĚMEC, D.; PROCHÁZKA, D. (2017): Local perceptions of climate change impacts and migration patterns in Malé, Maldives. The Geographical Journal, 183(4): 370–385.
STOJANOV, R.; BOAS, I.; KELMAN, I.; DUŽÍ, B. (2017): Local expert experiences and perceptions of environmentally induced migration from Bangladesh to India. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 58(3): 347-361.
STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; NĚMEC, D.; PROCHÁZKA, D.; DUŽÍ, B. (2017): Climate Change and Migration in Maldives. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (requested paper)
STOJANOV, R.; BUREŠ, O.; DUŽÍ, B. (2017): Migration and Development Policies: The State of Affairs before the 2015 European Migration Crises in the Czech Republic and Its Current Implications. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 50(3): 169-181.
DUŽÍ,B.; VIKHROV,D.; KELMAN, I.; STOJANOV, R.; JUŘIČKA, D. (2017): Household Measures for River Flood Risk Reduction in the Czech Republic. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 10 (2): 253-266.
STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; ULLAH, AKM A.; DUŽÍ, B.; PROCHÁZKA, D.; KAVANOVÁ BLAHŮTOVÁ, K. (2016): Local Expert Perceptions of Migration as Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh. Sustainability, 8 (12): 1223; doi: 10.3390/su8121223
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B.; BUREŠ, O. (2016): Koherence české migrační a rozvojové politiky na začátku ekonomické recese (2008–2010). Geografie, 121(3): 419–436.
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B.; DANĚK, T.; NĚMEC, D.; PROCHÁZKA, D. (2015): Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Extremes in Central Europe: A Case Study in a Rural Area in the Czech Republic. Sustainability (Switzerland), 7(9): 12758-12786.
KELMAN, I.; STOJANOV, R.; KHAN, S.; ALVAREZ GILA, O.; DUŽÍ, B.; VIKHROV, D. (2015): Islander Mobilities: Any change from climate change?" International Journal of Global Warming, 8(4): 584-602.
UPADHYAY, H.; KELMAN, I.; LINGARAJ, G.J.; ARABINDA, M.; SHREVE, C.; STOJANOV, R. (2015): Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Research and Policy for Links between Climate Change and Migration. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 7(3): 394–417.
DUŽÍ,B.; VIKHROV,D.; KELMAN, I.; STOJANOV, R.; JAKUBÍNSKÝ, J. (2015): Household flood risk reduction in the Czech Republic. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 20(4): 499-504.
STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; DUŽÍ, B.; PROCHÁZKA, D.; DANĚK, T. (2015): Floods and migration in the Czech Republic. Forced Migration Review, 49: 49-50, Oxford University.
STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; SHEN, S.; DUŽÍ, B.; UPADHYAY, H.; VIKHROV, D.; LINGARAJ, G.J.; MISHRA, A. (2014): Contextualising Typologies of Environmentally Induced Population Movement. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 23(5): 508-523.
VIKHROV, D.; STOJANOV, R., DUŽÍ, B.; JUŘIČKA, D. (2014): Commuting patterns of Czech households exposed to flood risk from the Becva river. Environmental Hazards, 13(1): 58-72.
STOJANOV, R., STRIELKOWSKI, W. (2013): The Role of Remittances as the More Efficient Tool of Development Aid in Developing Countries. Prague Economic Papers, 22(4): 487-503.
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B. (2013): Migration as Adaptation to Climate Change. Mezinárodní vztahy, 48(3): 9-31. (in Czech, SRJ2014
STOJANOV, R.; BENEŠ, V. (2013):ntroduction to Environment and International Relations. Mezinárodní vztahy, 48(3): 5-7. (in Czech)
CAHLÍKOVÁ, Z., STOJANOV, R. (2013): Development-induced Displacement: The Case Study of Slezská Harta Dam in the Czech Republic, Problemy Ekorozwoju – Problems of Sustainable Development, 8(2): 75-84.
STOJANOV, R. (2013): Three Gorges Dam in China: Development Displacement. Geografické rozhledy, 22(5): 28-29. (in Czech)
STOJANOV, R.; STRIELKOWSKI, W.; KOWALSKA, K. (2013): Migrants Remittances, Official Development Aid and Economic Growth in the Developing Countries. Ekonomista, 73 (1): 157-172.
CAHLÍKOVÁ, Z., STOJANOV, R. (2013): Development Displacement in the Czech Republic. Geografické rozhledy, 22(3): 30-31. (in Czech)
2004 - 2012
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B. (2012): Climate Change and Migration. Adaptation Dilemma of Population in Bangladesh. Vesmír, 91(142): 570-573. (in Czech)
STOJANOV, R.; STRIELKOWSKI, W.; DRBOHLAV, D. (2011): Labour migration and Remittances: Current Trends in the Times of Economic Recession. Geografie, 116(4): 375-400. (in Czech)
STOJANOV, R.; KAVANOVÁ, K. (2009): El concepto de migrantes medioambientales (Comentarios introductorios). Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos, 23(68): 39-54.
STOJANOV, R.; KAVANOVÁ, K. (2009): Migration Processes in the context of Environmental Change. Geografické rozhledy, 18(5): 28-29. ISSN 1210-3004 (in Czech)
STOJANOV, R.; NOVOSÁK, J. (2008): Migration instead of aid? Remittances and brain circulation as tools of development. Mezinárodní vztahy, 43(1): 38-77. ISSN 0323-1844 (in Czech)
STOJANOV, R.; NOVOSÁK, J. (2006): Environmental Migration in China. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomoucensis Geographica, 39(1): 65-82. ISSN 0231-9365
STOJANOV, R. (2004): Environmental Refugees. Introduction. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomoucensis Geographica, 38(1): 77 - 84. ISSN 0231-9365.
2011 - 2014
STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; MARTIN, M.; VIKHROV, D.; KNIVETON, D.; DUŽÍ, B. (2014): Migration as Adaptation? Population Dynamics in the Age of Climate Variability. Brno: Global Change Research Centre, Academy of the Sciences of the Czech Republic, p. 67. ISBN 978-80-87902-03-5
DUŽÍ, B.; VÁVRA, J.; STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; VIKHROV, D.; PETERS, V.; JUŘIČKA. D.; JANOŠÍKOVÁ, L.; MAVROGENIS, S.; CUDLÍNOVÁ, E.; LAPKA, M.; KYNICKÝ, J.; BRTNICKÝ, M.; NOVOTNÁ, J. (2014): Environmental Changes. Adaptation Challenges. Brno: Global Change Research Centre, Academy of the Sciences of the Czech Republic, p.71. ISBN 978-80-87902-04-2
STOJANOV, R.; ŽALUD, Z.; CUDLÍN, P.; FARDA, A.; URBAN, O.; TRNKA, M.(eds., 2013): Global Change and Resilience. From Impacts to Responses. Brno: Global Change Research Centre, Academy of the Sciences of the Czech Republic. p.284. ISBN 978-80-904351-8-6
BRÁZOVÁ, V. K.; STOJANOV, R. EZZEDDINE, P.; GLADIŠOVÁ, L.; GLAZAR, O.; KLÍPA, O.; LEVRINCOVÁ, P.; MIKEŠ, A.; ŘÍHOVÁ, M.; SCHROTH, J.; SLÁDKOVÁ, L.; STRIELKOWSKI, W. (2011): Migration and Development. Development Potential of International Migration. Prague: Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague. p. 254. ISBN 978-80-87404-10-2 (in Czech)
STOJANOV, R.; NOVOSÁK, J. (eds., 2008): Migration, Development and Environment: Migration Processes from the Perspective of Environmental Change and Development Approach at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 316. ISBN 978-1-4438-0038-9
STOJANOV, R.; JAMBOROVÁ, M.; DUŠKOVÁ, L.; KAVANOVÁ, K. (2008): Development Assistance in the Light of Practice. Selected Linkages and Aspects. Olomouc: Palacký University, s. 152. ISBN 978-80-244-2017-2
STOJANOV, R.; NOVOSÁK, J.; OPINIANO, J. M.; GEMENNE, F.; SIWEK, T. (2008): Development, Environment and Migration. Analysis of Linkages and Consequences. Olomouc: Palacký University, s. 222. ISBN 978-80-244-1966-4
NOVOSÁK, J.; STOJANOV, R. (2008): Shaping the Development of Developing Countries. Focused on China and India. Ostrava: University of Ostrava, s. 196. ISBN 978-80-7368-443-3
DANĚK, P.; NAVRÁTILOVÁ, A.; HILDEBRANDOVÁ, M.; STOJANOV, R. (2008): Approaching The Other: Four Projects of Western Domination. Olomouc: Palacký University. ISBN 978-80-244-2046-2
POTŮČEK, M. (ed.); NEKOLA, M.; STOJANOV, R.; NEKOLOVÁ, M.; DUŽÍ, B.; NOVÁČEK, P. (2006): Handbook of Foresight Methodology. Prague: Sociologické nakladatelství, p. 193. ISBN 80-86429-55-5.(in Czech)
EXNEROVÁ, V.; STOJANOV, R. et al. (2005): Global Challenges and Development Aid. Prague: People In Need, p.254. ISBN 80-86961-00-1 (in Czech)
Books chapters
Stojanov, R., Kelman, I. (2023). Local Expert Perceptions of Creeping Environmental Changes and Responses in Maldives. In: Rajan, S.I. (eds) Migration in South Asia. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham. (open access)
STOJANOV, R. (2019): Remittences and their impacts on development. pp. 29-42. In: Migration, Development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). International Organization for Migration, Prague. ISBN 978-80-270-7106-7 (in Czech)
STOJANOV, R. (2019): Migration and Development – introduction. pp. 9-20. In: Migration, Development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). International Organization for Migration, Prague. ISBN 978-80-270-7106-7 (in Czech)
STOJANOV, R. (2019): Financial claims of the Czech Republic on developing countries. pp. 1-24. Ecumenical Academy, Prague. ISBN 978-80-87661-49-9 (in Czech)
STOJANOV, R. (2019): Accelerate the global partnership for sustainable development and strengthen its implementation. pp. 41-49. In: Czech Republic 2019: Small steps towards social and ecological collapse. National Report of the Czech Social Watch coalition 2019, Prague. ISBN 978-80-270-6945-3 (in Czech)
STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; TAN, Y.; DUŽÍ, B. (2018): Forced Displacement in the Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) and in China. Komparativ analysis of construction of reiver dams impacts. pp. 310-325. In: Petr Bednařík, Helena Nosková, Zdenko Maršálek (eds.): Forced Migration in Czech country in 20th Century. Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague. ISBN 978-80-7285-207-9 (in Czech)
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B.; KELMAN, I.; NĚMEC, D.; PROCHÁZKA, D. (2016): Household Adaptation Strategies to Climate Extremes Impacts and Population Dynamics: Case Study from the Czech Republic. In: Milan, A.; Schraven, B.; Warner, K.; Cascone, N. (Eds.): Migration, Risk Management and Climate Change: Evidence and Policy Responses. Springer, pp. 87-103. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-42922-9_5 ISBN 978-3-319-42920-5
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B.; KELMAN, I. (2015): Local Experts’ Perceptions of Climate Change and Migration in Bangladesh. In: Mallick, B.; Etzold, B. (Eds., 2015): Environment, Migration and Adaptation. Evidence and Politics of Climate Change in Bangladesh. Dhaka: AHDPH. pp. 213-230. ISBN 978-984-91037-9-0
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B. (2015): Czech migration and development policy. In: Drbohlav, D. (ed.) Migration – remittances – (development). Ukrainian labour migration in Czechia. Prague: Karolinum, p. 241-262. ISBN 978-80-246-2995-7
STOJANOV, R. (2015): Remittances and their measurement methodology: Case study of the Czech Republic. In: Drbohlav, D. (ed.) Migration – remittances – (development). Ukrainian labour migration in Czechia. Prague: Karolinum, p. 241-262. ISBN 978-80-246-2995-7
2012 - 2014
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B.; JAKUBÍNSKÝ, J. (2014): Climate Change and Floods along the Brahmaputra: Migration Factors in Bangladesh. In: Stucker, D. and Lopez-Gunn, E. (eds): Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Resources Management Capacity, Equity and Sustainability. pp. 67-88. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-63593-6
STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; DUŽÍ. B. (2014): Environment and Migration. In: Zaratiecui, A.U.: Migraciones en el Tercer Milenio. Universidad del País Vasco. pp. 229-248. ISBN 978-84-9082-000-1
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B. (2012): When History and River Break the Border in South Asia: Environmental Migration and Policy Dilemma. In: Rahman Md M.; Ullah AKM A. (eds): Asian Migration Policy: South, Southeast and East Asia. New York: Nova Science Publishers. pp. 201-234. ISBN: 978-1-62257-020-1
STOJANOV, R. (2012): Environmental Change and Migration. In: Elliot, D. and Segal, U.A. (eds.) Refugees Worldwide. Volume One: A global Perspective. Praeger Publishers. Santa Barbara: Praeger, pp. 55-89. ISBN 978-0-313-37807-2
2009 - 2011
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B. (2011): Millenium Development Goals – Five Years to Go?] In: Tožička, T. (ed.): Civil Society in the Light of Global Poverty. Praha, str. 34-40. ISBN 978-80-260-0352-6
STOJANOV, R. (2009): Development Potential of Remittances. A Brief Outline of the Issue. In: Development Effectiveness – Searching New Ways. Czech Contribution to the Global Process of Civil Society Organizations. Prague: Czech Forum for Development Co-operation (FoRS), pp. 34-39. ISBN 978-80-904395-1-1
2007 - 2008
STOJANOV, R. (2008): The Environmentally-Induced Migration in China. In: Migration, Development and Environment: Migration Processes from the Perspective of Environmental Change and Development Approach at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 117-151. ISBN 978-1-4438-0038-9
KAVANOVÁ, K.; STOJANOV, R. (2008): The Environmental Migration in Chernobyl Disaster Area – The Case Study of Belarus. In: Migration, Development and Environment: Migration Processes from the Perspective of Environmental Change and Development Approach at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scraceholars Publishing, pp. 92-116. ISBN 978-1-4438-0038-9
STOJANOV, R. (2008): Millennium Development Goals. In: Global Challenges and Development Aid. Prague: People In Need. p. 119-126. ISBN 978-80-86961-55-2
STOJANOV, R. (2008): Environment and Development. In: Global Challenges and Development Aid. Prague: People In Need. p. 119-126. ISBN 978-80-86961-55-2
STOJANOV, R.; NOVOSÁK, J. (2007): Poverty, Official Development Assistance, Migration Remittences and Development – A Contribution to the Intricate Nexus. In: Official Development Assistance. Selected Works. Bratislava: Ekónom, pp. 26-45. ISBN 978-80-225-2393-6
2002 - 2005
STOJANOV, R. (2005): Vliv životního prostředí na rozvoj hospodářsky chudých regionů. [The Influence of Environment on Development of Economically Poor Regions.] In: Ve stínu modernity. Perspektivy a problémy rozvoje. Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk, pp. 260-280. ISBN 80-86898-54-7
STOJANOV, R., NOVÁČEK, P. (2004): International Agreements. In: Towards Sustainable Development of the Czech Republic: Creating the Conditions. Vol. 5: National Strategy of Sustainable Development. Prague: Charles University, pp. 142-162 ISBN 80-238-8378-X (complex).
STOJANOV, R., NOVÁČEK, P. (2004): Integration of the Czech Republic in International Agreement. In: Towards Sustainable Development of the Czech Republic: Creating the Conditions. Vol. 5: National Strategy of Sustainable Development. Prague: Charles University, pp. 295-311. ISBN 80-238-8378-X (complex).
STOJANOV, R., NOVÁČEK, P. (2004): Czech Official Development Aid and Humanitarian Assistance. In: Towards Sustainable Development of the Czech Republic: Creating the Conditions. Vol. 5: National Strategy of Sustainable Development. Prague: Charles University, pp. 312-331. ISBN 80-238-8378-X (complex).
Working Papers/Policy Briefs
Rosengärtner, S.S.; de Sherbinin, A.; Stojanov, R. (2023): Supporting the agency of cities as climate migration destinations. Policy Brief. Thematic Working Group on Environmental Change and Migration, KNOMAD.
STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ, B.; NĚMEC, D.; PROCHÁZKA, D. (2017): Slow Onset Climate Change Impacts in Maldives and Population Movement from Islanders’ Perspective. KNOMAD Working Paper 20, April 2017, World Bank Group, Washington, D.C.
SCHADE, J.; MCDOWELL, C.; FERRIS, E.; SCHMIDT-VERKERK, K.; BETTINI, G.; FELGENTREFF, C.; GEMENNE, F.; PATEL, A.; ROVINS, J.; STOJANOV, R.; SULTANA, Z. ; WRIGHT, A. (2015): Climate change and climate policy induced relocation: A challenge for social justice. Recommedations of the Bielefeld Consultation. Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Policy Brief Series, IOM 1 (10): 1-7. ISSN 2410-4930
VIKHROV,D.; STOJANOV, R.; DUŽÍ,B.; JAKUBÍNSKÝ, J. (2013): Commuting Patterns of Czech Households Exposed to Flood Risk. Series on Environmental Degradation and Migration. COMCAD Arbeitspapiere - Working Papers, No. 117.
Textbooks (in Czech only):
DUŽÍ, B.; STOJANOV, R. (2012): Globální oteplování – Mýty či fakta? [Global Warming - Mythaś or Facts?] In: Hoduláková, A.; Součková, L. (eds): Životní prostředí pro 2. stupeň ZŠ a SŠ. [Environment. Textbook for Elementary and Secondary School]. Prague: People in Need Foundation, p. 239-248. ISBN: 978-80-87456-23-1
DUŽÍ, B.; STOJANOV, R. (2012): Účet. [The Bill.] In: Hoduláková, A.; Součková, L. (eds): Životní prostředí pro 2. stupeň ZŠ a SŠ. [Environment. Textbook for Elementary and Secondary School]. Prague: People in Need Foundation, p. 210-217. ISBN: 978-80-87456-23-1
STOJANOV, R. et al. (2011): Rozvojové cíle tisíciletí - sociální spoty. [Millenium Development Goals – Social Spots] Prague: People In Need. p. 190. ISBN: 978-80-87456-14-9
STOJANOV, R. (2008): Rozvojové cíle tisíciletí [Millenium Development Goals]. In: Rozvojové cíle tisíciletí I. [Millenium Development Goals I] Prague: People In Need. p. 6-8. ISBN: 978-80-86961-49-1
STOJANOV, R. (2004): Životní prostředí a udržitelný rozvoj. [Environment and Sustainable Development.] In: Common World. Příručka globálního rozvojového vzdělávání. Prague: Člověk v tísni, pp.159-170. ISBN 80-903510-0-X
Papers in scholar non-reviewed journals (only in Czech):
STOJANOV, R.; KELMAN, I.; DUŽÍ, B.; PROCHÁZKA, D.; DANĚK, T. Floods and migration in the Czech Republic. Forced Migration Review, 49: 49-50, Oxford University.
STOJANOV, R.; NOVOSÁK, J.; DROBÍK, T.; SIWEK,T. (2006): Migrace jako globální fenomén. [Migration as the Global Phenomenon.] Mezinárodní politika – International Politics. 30 (10): 15-17. ISSN 0543 – 7962 (only in Czech)
STOJANOV, R. (2006): Finanční pohledávky České republiky u rozvojových zemí. [The Debts of Developing Countries to the Czech Republic.] Mezinárodní politika – International Politics. 30 (6): 28–30. (only in Czech)
STOJANOV, R. (2005): Jak dál s plněním Rozvojových cílů tisíciletí. [How to continue with meeting the Millennium Development Goals.] Mezinárodní politika – International Politics, 29 (12): 4-7. (only in Czech)
STOJANOV, R. (2002): Subsaharská Afrika - životní prostředí a bezpečnost. [Sub-saharan Africa – Environment and Security.] Mezinárodní politika – International Politics, 29 (11): 35-37. ISSN 0543-7962 (only in Czech)
Final works:
STOJANOV, R. (2009): Environmentally-induced Migration in the World. Dissertation thesis. Ostrava: University of Ostrava, p. 148 and 30 pages of appendices.
STOJANOV, R. (2001): Environmentální problémy subsaharské Afriky a perspektivy rozvojové pomoci. [Environmental Issue of sub-Saharan Africa and the Perspectives of Development Aid]. Diploma thesis. Brno: Masaryk University in Brno.
STOJANOV, R. (1998): Účast Československa v korejské válce v letech 1950-1953. [The Role of Czechoslovakia in Korean War in 1950-1953.] Hradec Králové: University of Hradec Králové.
Conference proceedings:
STOJANOV, R. (2008): International Migration And Development In The Age Of Globalization. In: Globalization and its impacts on localities. Ostrava: University of Ostrava, pp. 156-172. ISBN 978-80-7368-452-5
STOJANOV, R. (2008): Selected Relations Between International Migration and Development. In: On some Migration and Development Issues. Collection of papers presented at the conference “Migration and Development”. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, pp. 162-168. ISBN 978-80-7368-442-6
NOVOSÁK, J.; STOJANOV, R. (2007): Remittances and Development of Recipient Countries. In: Mezinárodní konference „Rozvojová pomoc 2007“. Bratislava: Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, str. 132-144. ISBN 978-80-225-2381-3
NOVOSÁK, J., STOJANOV, R. (2007): Selected Links Between Migration and Development. In: Udržitelný rozvoj - nové trendy a výzvy. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2007, pp. 218-228. ISBN 978-80-244-1814-8.
STOJANOV, R. (2006): Official Development Assistance and Debt Relief in Central Europe – Case Study of the Czech Republic. In: Rozvojová pomoc. Bratislava: Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, str. 125-135. ISBN 80-225-2245-7.
STOJANOV, R. (2006): Environmental Migration: How can be estimated and predicted? In: Globalisation and its Impact to Society, Regions and States. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, pp. 302-311. ISBN 80-7368-256-7
STOJANOV, R. (2005): Environmental Refugees between Development and Poverty - case study of the Three Gorges dam area. In: Insecurity and Development. Regional issues and policies for an interdependent world. 11th EADI General Conference. Bonn, pp.18. (CD ROM)
STOJANOV, R. (2005): Environmental Migration in China - Case Study of the Three Gorges Dam Area. In: Ekonomické, politické a právne otázky medzinárodných vzťahov. Bratislava. Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, str. 77-78 (abstract), str. 731-763 (text in CD Rom version). ISBN 80-225-2047-0
STOJANOV, R. (2004): Environmental Migration and The Complexity of Predicting. In: Medzinárodne vzťahy 2004. Aktuálne problémy svetovej politiky a ekonomiky. Bratislava: Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, pp. 178-186. ISBN 80-225-1888-3
STOJANOV, R. (2004): Environmental Migration – Summary Analysis of The Process. In: Clean Environment For All. 2nd International Conference on Environmental Concerns: Innovative Technologies and Management Options. Xiamen: United Nations Environment Programme, pp. 466-475.
STOJANOV, R. (2008): International Migration And Development In The Age Of Globalization. In: Globalization and its impacts on localities. Ostrava: University of Ostrava, pp. 156-172. ISBN 978-80-7368-452-5
STOJANOV, R. (2008): Selected Relations Between International Migration and Development. In: On some Migration and Development Issues. Collection of papers presented at the conference “Migration and Development”. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, pp. 162-168. ISBN 978-80-7368-442-6
NOVOSÁK, J.; STOJANOV, R. (2007): Remittances and Development of Recipient Countries. In: Mezinárodní konference „Rozvojová pomoc 2007“. Bratislava: Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, str. 132-144. ISBN 978-80-225-2381-3
NOVOSÁK, J., STOJANOV, R. (2007): Selected Links Between Migration and Development. In: Udržitelný rozvoj - nové trendy a výzvy. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2007, pp. 218-228. ISBN 978-80-244-1814-8.
STOJANOV, R. (2006): Official Development Assistance and Debt Relief in Central Europe – Case Study of the Czech Republic. In: Rozvojová pomoc. Bratislava: Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, str. 125-135. ISBN 80-225-2245-7.
STOJANOV, R. (2006): Environmental Migration: How can be estimated and predicted? In: Globalisation and its Impact to Society, Regions and States. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, str. 302-311. ISBN 80-7368-256-7
STOJANOV, R. (2005): Environmental Refugees between Development and Poverty - case study of the Three Gorges dam area. In: Insecurity and Development. Regional issues and policies for an interdependent world. 11th EADI General Conference. Bonn, pp.18. (CD ROM)
STOJANOV, R. (2005): Environmental Migration in China - Case Study of the Three Gorges Dam Area. In: Ekonomické, politické a právne otázky medzinárodných vzťahov. Bratislava. Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, str. 77-78 (abstract), str. 731-763 (text in CD Rom version). ISBN 80-225-2047-0
STOJANOV, R. (2004): Environmental Migration and The Complexity of Predicting. In: Medzinárodne vzťahy 2004. Aktuálne problémy svetovej politiky a ekonomiky. Bratislava: Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, str. 178-186. ISBN 80-225-1888-3
STOJANOV, R. (2004): Environmental Migration – Summary Analysis of The Process. In: Clean Environment For All. 2nd International Conference on Environmental Concerns: Innovative Technologies and Management Options. Xiamen: United Nations Environment Programme, str. 466-475.