2023-2027 – COST Action CA22162 A Transdisciplinary Network to Bridge Climate Science and Impacts on Society (FutureMed) (investigator and delegate of the Czech Republic in the Management Committee)
2023-2027 – COST Action CA22106 Migrant Disaster Victim Identification (MDVI) (investigator and delegate of the Czech Republic in the Management Committee)
2020-2024 – COST Action CA19109 European network for Mediterranean cyclones in weather and climate (MEDCYCLONES) (investigator and delegate of the Czech Republic in the Management Committee)
2019-2021 - Evaluierung von Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Instrumente zum Umgang mit residualen Klimarisiken (Evaluation of Interventions for Dealing with Residual Climate Risks). Grant project of Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungs-zusammenarbeit (German Institute for Development Evaluation - DEval), Bonn (research team leader)
2018-2022 - Smart Migration in the Czech Republic. Research project no. TL01000468 (principal investigator; grant: Czech Technological agency)
2017-2021 - COST Action CA16233 Drylands Facing Change: Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Change, Food Insecurity, Political Instability (investigator and delegate of the Czech Republic in the Management Committee)
2017-2021 - COST Action CA16111 International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities' Survey Data Network (investigator and delegate of the Czech Republic in the Management Committee)
2017-2021 - COST Action CA16114 Rethinking Sustainability Towards a Regenerative Economy (investigator and delegate of the Czech Republic in the Management Committee)
2017-2020 - COST Action CA15217 Ocean Governance for Sustainability - challenges, options and the role of science (investigator and delegate of the Czech Republic in the Management Committee)
2015 – 2016 - Current Migration to Europe: Research of Smart Population Dynamics (leader of international consortium)
2014-2017 - Social and Space Disparities and Risks Research at the Beginning of 21th Century. Project of university research centre foundation, no. 204003/2012 (postdoc)
2014-2018 - COST Action IS1309 Innovations in Climate Governance: Sources, Patterns and Effects (INOGOV) (investigator and substitute delegate of the Czech Republic in the Management Committee)
2013 – Climate Change and Migration as Adaptation. Project no. LD 13032 within COST initiative (principal investigator; grant: Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, total budget 70 thousand EUR).
2012-2014 - Partnership in Climate Research and Adaptation Strategies. Project no. CZ.1.07/2.4.00/31.0056 within Operational Programme of Education for Better Competitiveness (principal investigator - research coordinator; grant: European Union & Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, budget 1.3 million EUR).
2011-2014 - Water Rights and Water Wrongs: Institutional Design for Innovative Climate Change Adaptation. Research project of Brown International Advanced Research Iniciative (BIARI) Alumni Research Initiative (independent researcher; grant: Brown University, Providence, USA)
2013-2015 – Challenges of Urban Agriculture in Europe. Projekt no. LD 13033 (researcher; grant: Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic)
2013 - Environmental migrants in a world of environmental transformations: Debating the relations between environment, climate change and migrations. (grant: IMISCOE)
2011- 2013 - CzechGlobe – Centre of Global Climate Change Impacts Studies. Research project No. CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0073 within an Operational Programme of Research and Development for Innovation - European Centres of Excellence, (research fellow; EU & Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic)
2010-2011 – Spatial and Functional Dynamics of Biological, Ecological and Social and Economic Systems and Global Climate Change Linkages. Research project of Institute of Systems Biology and Ecology of the Academy of Sciences CR, No. AV0Z60870520 (postdoctoral fellow; grant: Czech Academy of Sciences).
2010-2012 - Migration and Development – the Economic and Social Impacts of Migration on the Czech Republic and Ukraine (With a Focus on the Analysis of Rremittances). Research project of Charles University in Prague and Mendel University in Brno, No. P404/10/0581 (research fellow; grant: Czech Science Foundation)
2009 - Addressing Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Region, component 'Climate Change and Migration'. Research project of Asian Development Bank, component supervised by Prof. Graeme Hugo. Specialization: Climate Change and Migration Processes in Bangladesh (independent researcher for University of Adelaide, Australia; grant: Asian Development Bank)
2008, 2010 - Geographical Systems and Risk Processes in the Context of Global Change and European Integration. Research project no. MSM 0021620831 (visiting researcher; grant: Czech Ministry of Education)
2007 – Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios (EACH- FOR). Research project within the frame of FP6 (PRIORITY [8.1] - Policy-oriented research). Regional specialization: Bangladesh, India and China (independent researcher for the University of Liege, Belgium; grant: European Commission).
2005-2006 - The Causes of International Migration from the Selected Regions to Asylum Infrastructure in the Czech Republic, project No. UT – 56-22/2005 (coordinator; grant: Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic)
2006 - EUROMODEL (European Development Cooperation Training Modules), Leonardo Da Vinci Programme, (researcher; grant: European Commission)
2004-2005 - Systematic Development of Foresight Methodology (visiting researcher; grant: Czech Science Foundation)
2003 - Analysis of commitments concerning the conservation of environment result from international agreements and their using to others political sectors in conditions of the Czech Republic. (researcher; grant: Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic)
2000 - Towards Sustainable Development of the Czech Republic: Creating the Conditions (visiting researcher; grant: UNDP and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic)